Baby Charts from Esther Moon

The alignment of the planets, sun, moon and stars at the time of birth become the blueprint for a child's future personality — creating a birth chart for a child is like having a window into their soul.

Each beautifully illustrated personal chart from Esther is a unique creation made specifically for you using the time, date and place of birth. They are a unique way of celebrating and understanding a baby's entrance into the world, and a fantastic gift for new parents.

Every chart includes:

  • A brief introduction to the concepts of modern astrology.

    and information on:

  • Life Goals — how the Sun and Jupiter in the signs, houses and soft and hard aspects
  • Home — the Moon in the signs, houses and soft and hard aspects
  • Education and Communication — Mercury in the signs, houses and soft and hard aspects
  • Relationships — Venus in the signs, houses and soft and hard aspects
  • Motivation — Mars in the signs, houses and soft and hard aspects
  • Career — Saturn in the signs, houses and soft and hard aspects, and the Midheaven
  • Creativity and Originality — Uranus and Neptune in the signs, houses and soft and hard aspects
  • Challenges in your Life — Pluto in the signs
  • Purpose and Joys — The Ascendant in the signs and houses
  • Conclusion — An easy to read and understand report summarising what the heavens hold

Click here to order your baby chart — Price US$49 or AUD$60

View a Sample Chart

Click here to download a sample report (400Kb PDF)

Sample Baby Report